Beloit Baha'i Community

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 “He Who is your Lord, the All-Merciful, cherisheth in His heart the desire of beholding the entire human race as one soul and one body.” — Bahá’u’lláh

In thousands upon thousands of locations around the world, the teachings of the Bahá’í Faith inspire individuals and communities as they work to improve their own lives and contribute to the advancement of civilization. Bahá’í beliefs address such essential themes as the oneness of God and religion, the oneness of humanity and freedom from prejudice, the inherent nobility of the human being, the progressive revelation of religious truth, the development of spiritual qualities, the integration of worship and service, the fundamental equality of the sexes, the harmony between religion and science, the centrality of justice to all human endeavours, the importance of education, and the dynamics of the relationships that are to bind together individuals, communities, and institutions as humanity advances towards its collective maturity.


If you would like to contact Baha'is in the Beloit area for information about the faith or local activities, call 608-365-7879 or 608-368-9707 or check the events calendar on this website. You can also use the link to the National Baha'i web site supplied under the Connections tab to find out more general information about the Baha'i Faith.


O Son of Love! Thou art but one step away from the glorious heights above and from the celestial tree of love. Take thou one pace and with the next advance into the immortal realm and enter the pavilion of eternity. Give ear then to that which hath been revealed by the pen of glory.    Bahá'u'lláh


Recent Stories

Red Grammer visits Beloit and performs for a local charity event


Red Grammer, who is no stranger to Beloit, visited the area Aug 14th and 15th. He performed at the Hailey Rath Memorial event 11am to noon on Aug. 15th. The event took place at The Rock Bar & Grill, west side of the Ken Hendricks Memorial Bridge. Red also hosted a "Fireside" at "The Castle" 501 Prospect St. Beloit Friday night. Also visiting, from Texas, is former Beloit resident Linda Assaf (Rath). Hailey was Linda's niece.

Cluster meets with Auxiliary Board member

The Rock and Green County Bahai Cluster met with Auxiliary Board member Val Dobbs Saturday, October 25th at the home of Beloit L.S.A. member Leslie Rennie. Members of the Cluster, who were present, included Sue Alexander, Steve Benton, Susan Benton, Robert Butz, and Leslie Rennie of Beloit, Helena Graumann of Janesville, and Pat Helms of Afton. Also attending were Carolyn Paik, Regional Training Institute Coordinator and Elaine Bohannen, Assistant to the Auxiliary Board.

Rachael Polglaze visits Beloit Baha'is

Former Beloit resident, Rachael Polglaze, shares stories with the Beloit L.S.A. Thursday, July 29th. Polglaze, the daugher of Linda Assaf of Hockley, Texas and Bob Polglaze of Beloit, is back stateside after spending 3 years as a volunteer at the Baha'i World Center in Haifa, Israel. She worked as human relations coordinator for Israelis working at the Baha'i Center. Rachael is currently living with her mother while she determins what she'll be doing in the next phase of her life.



Beloit L.S.A. elects officers

The newly elected Beloit Local Spiritual Assembly held its first meeting May 4th, 2014. The first business item was to elect officers. Monica Grismer is the group's chair. Susan Benton is vice-chair. The role of treasurer will be handled by Rob Butz while corresponding secretary will be Leslie Rennie. Recording secretary is Sue Alexander. The rest of the LSA are Barb Baysinger, Larry Baysinger, Steve Benton and Tom Owenby.
